Sushi or Sashimi-Grade Fish Nigiri sushi , is a popular type of sushi shaped by hand. It consists of slice of raw fish, sea-food, tamago or other toppings, lying on a "thumb size" chunk of rice, with a small amount of wasabi between the two. For instructions how to make it, see our full guide on: " how to make sushi ".
Despite popular belief, there is no official definition for the term "sushi-grade". The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not determine safety standards for raw fish.
In order for seafood to be safe for consumption in sushi, it must be frozen at under -4°F for a significant enough time to have killed any parasites.
Although many markets are starting to carry Sashimi-grade fish, you should not assume that all fish from your local market has gone through the necessary steps to destroy parasites. Do not assume that fish is safe to eat raw unless it is clearly labeled as "Sashimi-Grade
Despite popular belief, there is no official definition for the term "sushi-grade". The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not determine safety standards for raw fish.
In order for seafood to be safe for consumption in sushi, it must be frozen at under -4°F for a significant enough time to have killed any parasites.
Although many markets are starting to carry Sashimi-grade fish, you should not assume that all fish from your local market has gone through the necessary steps to destroy parasites. Do not assume that fish is safe to eat raw unless it is clearly labeled as "Sashimi-Grade
Like a lot of people I know, I love sushi. Like other people who love sushi, I go out to my favorite Japanese restaurants to get good sushi. After all, it's really hard to make, right? Well, as it turns out, it's extremely easy to make and actually quite fun. I was amazed at how easy and inexpensive it is to make homemade sushi that is just like the kind served in restaurants. I actually felt a bit silly because it seemed like I should have known how easy it is since all it consists of is basically raw fish and rice, but I somehow thought that there must be some secret process or preparation method that leads to edible sushi. Nope... it's raw fish on rice. I discovered this when one of my friends offered to make a sushi dinner for a group of us. I was so excited to learn that I documented the process with my digital camera so that I, too, could make restaurant-style sushi. Although real sushi chefs are trained to achieve the best cut, most people can use these instructions to prepare sushi that is very tasty at considerably reduced
Two vegetables or other fillings
Vegetables are your best opportunity for creativity when making sushi.
Some popular fillings include cucumber, avocado, carrots and asparagus.
Short-Grained Rice
Typical long-grained rice used in many American dishes will not work for your sushi, as it will not take on the necessary, sticky consistency.
Rice Vinegar
For best results, use only Japanese rice vinegar.
There are several varieties of seasoned rice vinegar, often made with sake, that can be used if desired.
Check out this blog post from The Perfect Pantry for a helpful overview of Japanese rice vinegars.
Nori is a thin sheet of seaweed, ideal for rolling sushi. Nori can be ordered online through igourmet,, or purchased at Asian specialty stores.
Ginger Root
The ginger served alongside sushi is pickled and sliced thinly. This is called "Gari".
You can buy pre-made gari, or make it yourself from using rice vinegar, sugar, and ginger root.
Two vegetables or other fillings
Vegetables are your best opportunity for creativity when making sushi.
Some popular fillings include cucumber, avocado, carrots and asparagus.
Short-Grained Rice
Typical long-grained rice used in many American dishes will not work for your sushi, as it will not take on the necessary, sticky consistency.
Rice Vinegar
For best results, use only Japanese rice vinegar.
There are several varieties of seasoned rice vinegar, often made with sake, that can be used if desired.
Check out this blog post from The Perfect Pantry for a helpful overview of Japanese rice vinegars.
Nori is a thin sheet of seaweed, ideal for rolling sushi. Nori can be ordered online through igourmet,, or purchased at Asian specialty stores.
Ginger Root
The ginger served alongside sushi is pickled and sliced thinly. This is called "Gari".
You can buy pre-made gari, or make it yourself from using rice vinegar, sugar, and ginger root.